What Is My Homeschool Style?
Jul 02, 2022
Are you curious about all the different types of homeschooling? Do you know which type you prefer? Does it even matter?? 😁 In reality, it doesn't matter. In our own homes, we all add our own personalities to the way we teach, and our homeschool days look vastly different than another family's. However, if you want to be able to buy curriculum or communicate with people about your preferences, it is good to know what style you gravitate towards and be able to put it into words.
We have provided several different styles with some quiz-like questions you can ask yourself to see what your preferred style might be. If you answer yes to most of the questions under the heading, that is a style in which you will want to look more closely. It's possible you might have two styles in which you answer yes to most of the questions, and that's ok! It's just a guide to direct you and give you a starting point.
Once you have your results, you can use them to search for curriculum anywhere, but we recommend Cathy Duffy Review site. She provides hundreds of reviews of various homeschool programs. It can be a bit overwhelming if you don't know where to start, but if you can drill down a bit based on your style, that definitely helps!
We have also personally used many different books and programs (or know somebody who has) and are happy to recommend some as well.
Have a look at the various styles below and let us know if you have any questions.
✏️If you answer YES to these 4 questions, your style is probably TRADITIONAL:
- Do you prefer workbooks and a curriculum laid out for you?
- Do you like a definite schedule that mostly stays the same?
- Do you prefer to follow the public school calendar?
- Are you partial to conventional recordkeeping and grading?
✏️If you answer YES to these 4 questions, your style is probably CHARLOTTE MASON:
- Do you enjoy fine arts study and outside/nature time?
- Are character building and solid habits important to you?
- Do you prefer teaching and learning through the use of real literature (versus workbooks)?
- Do you enjoy lots of discussion about topics with your children?
✏️If you answer YES to these 4 questions, your style is probably CLASSICAL:
- Do you like the idea of teaching your child curriculum based on the works of ancient Greek and Roman teachers?
- Do you like a type of curriculum that incorporates a strong focus on language, grammar, and conversation skills?
- Do you like the idea of your children learning Latin?
- Is it important to you that your children learn how to think and reason for themselves?
✏️If you answer YES to these 4 questions, your style is probably MONTESSORI:
- Do you like the idea of a more child-led education?
- Do you prefer children to learn with hands-on methods (rather than paper/pencil)?
- Do you enjoy outside/nature learning time?
- Do you like the idea of utilizing nature, sensory manipulatives and experiences for learning in your school day?
✏️ If you answer YES to these 4 questions, your style is probably UNIT STUDY:
- Do you like the idea of taking content and topics and studying them in great depth through multiple subject areas?
- Do you prefer a more hands-on approach to learning?
- Do you like to follow your children's interests to determine what they learn?
- Do you like making projects and crafts?
✏️If you answer YES to these 4 questions, your style is probably RELAXED/ UNSCHOOLING:
- Do you prefer your child learn through hands on experiences?
- Do you prefer a loose schedule and casual (or no) curriculum style?
- Are you comfortable following your child's interests to dictate what is learned?
- Do you like the idea of spontaneous field trips and educational activities?
✏️ If you answer YES to these 4 questions, your style is probably ECLECTIC:
- Do you like to have some control over the schedule and curriculum, but still have flexibility to go down learning "rabbit trails"?
- Do you like the idea of using curriculum, but want to pick and choose how and when to use it?
- Do you like to have the option to use various methods of schooling with different children in your family?
- Do you like the idea of trying "a little of this, and a little of that" with your students?
When determining the particular style to use with your family, it is important to consider everyone's needs and interests so that the days feel comfortable for everybody. We found with our kids that once child might like very structured schooling but the sibling could be the opposite. Mom's needs also need to be taken into account so she can have happy days, too! Finding the balance can be accomplished with prayer and discernment. God has given us all distinct personalities, interests, and talents, and it is an adventure to learn how everyone can work together in harmony and rely on Him for daily grace! 😊❤️️
It can be a struggle to choose curriculum for your children, we would love to help you! We are available to help you plan out your year -- join our community for curriculum conversations and support. We have answers to your questions so contact us! You are not alone and you CAN do this, Mama!
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