The Importance of Forming a Life-Giving Homeschool Community
Aug 14, 2022
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Yes, He does! And in our experience, hope is magnified within a community of believers who bolster His efforts together. We encourage GATHERING together with other homeschoolers while acknowledging and understanding that it can feel like spinning all the plates to make time for it in a schedule. However, the benefits outweigh the struggle in getting there, and we are definite in our belief that we could not have gotten through our homeschool journeys without our tight-knit band of homeschool family friends.
Why should you take time to create a homeschooling group of like-minded friends?
A few ways this life-giving community supported us was through:
- prayer support that defeats the wiles of the enemy
- the ability to bring Jesus to others
- the opportunity to teach our children to gather together with followers of Jesus
When we show up to intentionally establish relationships in a homeschool community, we can be sure there will be benefits.
Homeschool Community Benefit No. 1: Prayer
Community with a family of believers gives the best of all benefits, which is prayer in His name for each other. There were many days we were comforted in the ability to lean on a message to our prayer warrior mama friends in mid-turmoil. No explanation needed, just “pray for me” brought relief. And we knew the next time we’d meet face-to-face to reveal the details, laughter would probably ensue over the issue that seemed so forceful around the schoolbooks.
Try visualizing all the people you know who will pray for your child’s specific educational needs in Jesus’ name. For us, it was a sobering fact that there weren’t many other people taking part in such intricate requests. What can be intimidating to reveal to close family members as a prayer need can be a common theme among homeschool mamas, comforting to reveal, and for which to request prayer.
Who else is praying for your family, your marriage, the intimate details of wrongs that feel vulnerable to confess to others and that are, frankly, scary to hear swirl around in our own heads. The voice of the enemy can be all consuming. I shudder to realize the things the devil gets people to follow through on, the way he gets us to change the scope of reality making rejection of truth seem right.
We believe isolation is the vehicle that drives the power of these thoughts and makes it feel unconquerable to reign them in. Especially as a follower of Jesus, the enemy targets order, peace, and love and will strategize to use an individual's sin nature to accomplish what he loves….chaos, hate and disorder.
But, BE REASSURED and DO NOT FEAR because He already has the victory. We can REST in that truth and enter into a space with the Holy Spirit where all of that is not only banished, but believers thrive, laughter wins the day, love covers all sin, and His will be done!
Homeschool Community Benefit No. 2: Outreach
Another aspect of creating community is the opportunity to be the hands and feet of our Savior . To spread the knowledge of the Gospel. Like the Queen of Sheba who brought her entire entourage to hear of King Solomon's wealth and wisdom, we can impress upon others the mighty power of God in us as we interact with each other. Visualize the Queen and her entire entourage listening to her words of acknowledgement of God to King Solomon in 1 Kings 10:6-9. I like to imagine many people came to know the God of Israel as their own, from her testimony, and hope to meet them in heaven one day to hear all the details of this amazing experience.
You may consider it a stretch to compare this biblical account with your family's daily walk into the world with a homeschool community, but I’m feeling led to confirm it. In my experience as coordinating and leading activities in the community, I lost track of how many times I'd received unprompted feedback about our homeschool group. It was common that on the day of our experience, the contact at the venue would comment to me how well-behaved, respectful, and interested the students were -- always thanking us for making them feel appreciated and valued. All we do is show up with a willing heart to serve, and the Holy Spirit will work where two or more are gathered in His name to spread His unconditional love to others...bringing His church to others who may never enter a building with such a name.
In the parables of the weeds, found in Matthew 13:24-43, we hear Jesus tell us to grow alongside non-believers and at the appointed time He will separate us. We are commanded to share Jesus among others until that time, and it’s entirely the Lord’s business to separate us.
That can be intimidating when the world is so ugly and we want to protect our babies. This is where asking and listening to Jesus’ guidance and wisdom is so important. Seek discernment, pray for protection, and educate your children so they can recognize and defend themselves through the Holy Spirit's power.
Homeschool Community Benefit No. 3: A Model
This leads to the last point about establishing a community of fellow believers for our children. Of course, we want them to develop healthy friendships with fellow followers of Jesus and arm themselves with confidence in their identity in Christ. Together they can stay rooted in truth, while reality bends around them in the world. They can also help each other feel more secure, not only through daily struggles, but also of their place in eternity.
He gave us a smart outlook -- to remember that someday our children will be released into the world. This time we have with them is a training ground in which they learn and practice, with our support, to withstand the fiery arrows.
Think about that and let it motivate you when it seems difficult to get out the door. Imagine who is making it feel like a burden…the devil, you know it! Rebuke that and get out there to create community.
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When we sit down with people, we’re doing what Jesus did. There are many accounts in scripture of Jesus sitting down to teach his followers. In fact, he sat down with them at various times of day, even dawn as John 8:2 notes. Sitting down was the traditional way of teaching for Jewish rabbis. I think this translates to the way we grow in community with each other, how we can learn from other homeschool mamas, and how we teach our babies.
When we share a space of rest, we are more likely to look into each other’s eyes, which helps create deeper, more intimate community, especially when the Holy Spirit is swirling about.
Relationships are waiting to be woven into beautiful memories, all while doing the work He has already laid out for you and yours.
What resonates most with you and how can we help you apply it to your homeschool days? We encourage you to prayerfully consider the following support systems: The Homeschool Well Community, The Homeschool Well Coaching
We pray this blesses you!
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